Category: Careers
Top 30 Things You Do Not Know About The BBI Course Of Mumbai University
Hey guys, Are you interested in banking? Would you love to build up your career in banking / insurance sector? Have you dreamt of being a banker or insurer in future? Do you want to play an influential role in the banking and insurance industry? So let me tell you…
The Complete List Of BBI (Bachelors of Banking And Insurance) Colleges In Mumbai
The Complete List Of BBI (Bachelors of Banking And Insurance) Colleges In Mumbai College Names R. College of Commerce and Economics, Churchgate Mithibai College, Vile Parle M.M.K College of Commerce & Economics, Bandra Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund Jai Hind College, Churchgate SIES College of Commerce & Economics, Sion East Sydenham College of Commerce and Economics, Churchgate…
Careers In Banking And Insurance (B&I)
Before we know about the careers in banking and insurance, let us understand why banking and insurance is a salient sector in our economy. As we walk towards the age of innovation and creativity, we see extension in the existing competition and creation of new businesses as well. It has also increased the threats to…
What after BBI?
What after BBI? Students frequently ask what they should do after BBI. They should go for post graduation or they should go for work experience or first they should take work experience for 1-2 years and then go for further studies. If post graduation then what studies one should go for, to utilize their base…
List of BBI Colleges in Mumbai
Banking & Insurance Colleges Sr.No Name of the College 1. Shri Chinai College of Commerce & Economics, Andheri, Mumbai : 400 069. 2. H.R. College of Commerce & Economics,Churchgate, Mumbai : 400 020. 3. Shri Bhausaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce &Science College, Borivli, Mumbai : 400 091. 4. I.C.L. Motilal Jhunjhunwala Arts, Science &Commerce…