Category: Articles
Cricket World Cup 2015 : India vs Pakistan
Each and Every citizen of India and Pakistan might be aware that India Beat Pakistan. Wohoooo!!!!!!! India beat Pakistan again for the sixth time in Cricket world cup opening, India!!! India!!!And it looked like even the nature was on our side. Guys might forget to check up on their girlfriend but never ever can they…
Child Artists: Unnoticed Victims Of Child Labour
People get exhausted by their 8-6 jobs, to keep themselves entertained they either rely on daily soaps or go for a movie. We hardly care about the content or the people that are associated with cinema and tv shows. We think it’s just plain entertainment, but ignore what’s getting lost in our obsession. India…
Are Good Leaders In India Required Or Not?
Any kind of resource, be it human or natural is useless without proper implementation. Power is essential but without the skills to escort that power in a proper direction we are nowhere. Somebody is required, Someone who directs us!! Someone that we can count on!! Someone who leads us!! Someone who is our leader. …