Exams are approaching in a few days and you’ve been for several years, nay decades now! This possibly will be the last exam you take in your life for many of you.
We will be updating important questions bank just one day (possibly night) before the exam. However, do NOT think that we are leaking papers, or have inside information. WE DO NOT. We just analyse past papers and come up with the question bank based on our understanding of probability and past experience of publishing important questions bank over the past decade.
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Strategic Management – Important Questions Bank one day before the exam
Strategic Management – Definition, Process, Benefits, Levels, Features
Internal and external factors of environment.
Strategic Formulation , merits demerits, Role of Strategist
Frameworks – BCG, GE Mckinsey Matrix, Porters
SWOT, PLC, Cost Benefit Analysis, Downsizing, Innovation and creativity, Leadership
Bench Marking and process
GAP Analysis
Triple bottom line.
Central Banking – Important Questions Bank One Day before the exam
Have you read this? If not, go through it briefly.
Autonomy of the RBI, Organisational structure of the RBI, Functions, Reforms and Role of RBI
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Basel 2
Financial Stability and Instability
Risks in Banking Sector
International Business -Important Questions Bank One Day before the exam
Sums to be practiced
Calculation of FOB and CIF
Nafta, economic integration
Relationship marketing
Conflict in corporate and national pressures
Niche marketing, concentrated , differentiated and undifferentiatedAdvantages and disadvantage of fdi for host and home countries
HRM in Banking and Insurance -Important Questions Bank One Day before the exam
Define HRM, Scope of HRM, Functions of HRM
HR Manager Skills
Difference between PM and HR manager
Challenges faced by HR
HRP , Objectives, Steps and challenges
Transfer and Objectives, Types of Transfer, Conditions of good transfer policy
Promotion, Objectives, Basis,
Recruitment and sources
Selection and steps
Forms of Aptitude tests
Interview and types
Orientation and steps
Training, methods and advantages.
Performance Appraisal – Importance and Methods
Induction and steps
Incentive plans
Fringe benefits – objectives and types
Factors affecting salary and wage and essentials of wage
Career Planning – Steps
Career Lifecycle
Forms of separation
Personal policies, principles, manual
Job Analysis – process, methods
Job Design
Participation – benefits, technique, methods of participative management
Turnaround Management – Important Questions Bank
Turnaround – features, steps
Business objectives
Explain Growth strategies – Need.
Industrial sickness – stages, symptoms, internal external reasons, remedies
Globalisation – negatives, benefits, features
Liberalisation – benefits, impact
Problems of SSI
Role of BIFR
TQM – Objectives, principles
BPR – Elements, implementation, Role of IT, External consultants role,
5s Principle
Franchising, benefits
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