Interview with Steffi Dmello, Student, St. Andrews College

Name – Steffi Dmello

College – St. Andrews College of Commerce , Arts & Science.


  • Tell us something about yourself?
    => My name is Steffi Dmello and  I’m currently doing my SYBBI from St Andrews College,Mumbai.
  • Tell us something about your college?
    =>  My college St Andrews is a very reputed college. It has a well knowledgeable faculty. Subject matter is that, they are very knowledgeable and provide us with adequate knowledge. They are well qualified staff and pain taking effort in providing us knowledge about BBI subjects and overall matters.
  • When did you join this course? What inspired you to choose this line?
    =>  I joined this course the day the admissions were open in Andrews. I like banking and commerce related subjects so i went for this seminar at dadar. There they gave us a talk on professional courses so i was inspired by them.
  •  Is the BBI syllabus just what you had expected it to be?
    Yes, though BBI is a tough course, it is a course which is very much what I expected it to be.  It is just not an ordinary graduation course, but in one which every student has to put his maximum time and efforts in order to succeed and come up in life.
  • Who in your life has influenced the most?
    =>  My mom and dad have influenced me the most. The way they have worked hard to keep me happy who could ever take their place? And also provided me the best education.
  • Tell us something about your college fests/events and extra-curricular activities?
    =>  Our college conducts a loads of fest like Olio, Xyze, Jankhar etc .it’s very nice besides doing our degree we also take part in extracurricular activities which we get a certificate at the end of the year.
  • Do you believe that it should be made compulsory for students to manage both studies and be a part of college fests/events?
    =>  Ya I do believe it’s the beauty of getting to know people of different colleges.
  • Do you like being busy with projects, presentations, assignments and internal exams? Or you would like to be enjoying out with friends all that time instead?
    It is quite interesting and challenging being busy with the projects, presentations, assignments and internal exams, because I have a genuine interest in the subjects offered under this course.  But some time should also be allotted for one to enjoy with friends. So even though I devote much of my time to studies, I also find some time to enjoy with my friends.
  • What are your future plans?
    => Just wanna study hard and make my Parents proud.
  • As a BBI Student, what is your mission/aim in life?
    => My aim in life, as a BBI student, is to be a Bank Manager.
  • Are you more interested in the banking sector or the insurance sector?
    =>  I am interested more in Banking Sector.
  • What message would you like to give to the coming batches of BBI students?
      The message is “Work hard to achieve success”
  • Your suggestions/feedback for
    =>  There should be register forms of different colleges having BBI course so that it’s easy during admission and there no chaos.  🙂
 Interview Credit-
Parin Upadhayaya

Correspondent, BBI Team

Mithibai College Of Arts, Commerce & Science.







3 responses to “Interview with Steffi Dmello, Student, St. Andrews College”

  1. lavita Avatar

    i m unable to get the board papers please help me to get it

  2. admin Avatar

    Lavita, go to your college library, you should get them there. If you dont, keep checking .. we will upload them soon.

  3. subrat Avatar

    how to study 5semt

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