Marketing in Banking and Insurance – TYBBI Syllabus

Marketing in Banking and Insurance – TYBBI Syllabus

Modules at a Glance

SR. NO. Module
 1  Introduction
 2  Introduction to service marketing
 3  Services marketing mix with reference to banking and insurance
 4  Customer in services marketing
 5  Managing service quality
 6  Advertising and branding of services (Managing Integrated Marketing Communication )
 7  Managing product support
 8  Managing direct and on-line marketing

Marketing in Banking and Insurance – Syllabus Overview

SR. NO. Module
 1 Introduction
Definition marketing-

Difference between sales and marketing

Types of marketing

  1. Industrial marketing
  2. Service marketing
  3. Consumer goods marketing.

Marketing mix (4 P’s of marketing mix)

 2 Introduction to service marketing

Definition and classification
Characteristics of services
Services marketing mix
Introduction to banking and insurance as services

 3  Services marketing mix with reference to banking and insurance

7 P’s of services marketing mix
Importance of marketing mix elements
Strategies for effective management of services marketing Mix elements
Banking and insurance as products
Services marketing mix strategies for banking and insurance

 4  Customer in services marketing

Buying behaviors
Buying role
Importance of ‘Place’ with regards to services.

 5  Managing service quality

Service quality mode (caps mode)
Managing service gaps

 6  Advertising and branding of services (Managing Integrated Marketing Communication )

Identifying target audience
Determining communication objective
Factors in setting marketing communication mix

 7  Managing product support

Post sales services strategies
Major trends in customer service

 8  Managing direct and on-line marketing

Growth and benefits of direct marketing
Major channels of direct marketing
Marketing in 21st century to commerce



One response to “Marketing in Banking and Insurance – TYBBI Syllabus”

  1. prithvi gulani Avatar
    prithvi gulani

    importance please for marketing

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