Business Communication – Part II – Revised FYBBI Syllabus 2016

Business Communication – Part II – Revised FYBBI Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

Sr. No. Modules No. of Lectures
1 Presentation Skills 15
2 Group Communication 15
3 Business Correspondence 15
4 Language and Writing Skills 15
Total 60

Business Communication – Part II – Syllabus Overview

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Presentation Skills
Presentations:  (to be tested in tutorials only) 4 Principles of Effective Presentation

Effective use of OHP

Effective use of Transparencies

How to make a Power-Point Presentation

2 Group Communication
Interviews: Group Discussion Preparing for an Interview, Types of Interviews – Selection, Appraisal, Grievance, Exit

Meetings: Need and Importance of Meetings, Conduct of Meeting and Group Dynamics Role of the Chairperson, Role of the Participants, Drafting of Notice, Agenda and Resolutions

Conference: Meaning and Importance of Conference Organizing a Conference Modern Methods: Video and Tele – Conferencing

Public Relations: Meaning, Functions of PR Department, External and Internal Measures of PR

3 Business Correspondence
Trade Letters: Order, Credit and Status Enquiry, Collection (just a brief introduction to be given)

Only following to be taught in detail:-

Letters of Inquiry, Letters of Complaints, Claims, Adjustments Sales Letters, promotional leaflets and fliers Consumer Grievance Letters, Letters under Right to Information (RTI) Act

[Teachers must provide the students with theoretical constructs wherever necessary in order to create awareness. However students should not be tested on the theory.]

4 Language and Writing Skills
Reports: Parts, Types, Feasibility Reports, Investigative Reports

Summarisation: Identification of main and supporting/sub points Presenting these in a cohesive manner

Reference books for subject: Business Communication – Part II

Business Communication-II
  • Agarwal, Anju D(1989) A Practical Handbook for Consumers, IBH.
  • Alien, R. K.( 1970) Organisational Management through Communication.
  • Ashley,A(1992) A Handbook Of Commercial Correspondence, Oxford University Press.
  • Aswalthapa, K (1991) Organisational Behaviour, Himalayan Publication, Mumbai.
  • Atreya N and Guha (1994) Effective Credit Management, MMC School of Management, Mumbai.
  • Bahl,J.C. and Nagamia,S.M. (1974) Modern Business Correspondence and Minute Writing.
  • Balan,K.R. and Rayudu CS. (1996) Effective Communication, Beacon New Delhi.
  • Bangh, LSue, Fryar,Maridell and Thomas David A. (1998) How to Write First Class Business
  • Correspondence, N.T.C. Publishing Group USA.
  • Barkar, Alan(1993) Making Meetings Work, Sterling Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
  • Basu,C.R.(1998) Business Organisation and Management, T.M.H. New Delhi.
  • Benjamin, James (1993) Business and Professional Communication Concepts End Practices,
  • Harper Collins College Publishers, New York,
  • Communication in Business, McGraw Hill, Tokyo
  • Bhargava and Bhargava9l97l) Company Notices, Meetings and Regulations
  • Black, Sam (1972) Practical Public Relations, E.L.B.S. London.
  • Bovee Courtland,L and Thrill, John V(1989) Business Communication, Today McGraw Hill,
  • New York, Taxman Publication.
  • Burton, G and Thakur, (1995) Management Today- Principles and Practices. T.M.H.,New Delhi.
  • Darrow, Richard, Forrstal, Dan and Coolman, Aubrey (1967) Public Relations Handbook,
  • The Dartwell Co., Chicago.
  • Dayal, lshwar(9810) Managing Large Organizations: A Comparative Study.
  • Drucher,P.F,((1970) Technology, Management and Society, Pan Books London.
  • Drucher,P. F.(( 1 974)Management Responsibilities Practices, Heinemann, London.
  • Eyre, EC. (1985) Effective Communication Made Simple, Rupa and Co,Calcutta.
  • Ecouse Barry, (1999), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP.
  • Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi.
  • Frailley, L.E. (1982) Handbook of Business Letters, Revised Edn. Prentice Hall Inc.
  • French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Garlside, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth.
  • Ghanekar,A(l996)Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House, Pune.
  • Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Krevolin, Nathan (1983) Communication Systems and Procedures for Modern Office, Prentice Hall,NJ.
  • Lesikar, Raymond V and Petit, John D.(1994) Business Communication: Theory and Application, Richard D. Irwin Inc. llinois,
  • Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi.
  • Martson, John E. 1963) The Nature of Public Relations, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  • Majumdar,P.K.(1992) Commentary on the Consumer protection Act, Prentice. New Delhi.
  • McQuail, Denis (1975), Communication, Longman.
  • Merrihue, William (1960) Managing by Communication, McGraw Hill, New York.
  • MonippalIi, M.M. (1997),The craft or Business Letter Writing, T.M.H. New Delhi,
  • Montagu, and Matson , Floyd(1979) The Human Connection, McGraw Hill,New York.
  • Murphy, Herta and Hilde Brandt, Herbert W (1984) Effective Business Communication,
  • McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Parry, John (1968) The Psychology of Human Communication,
  • Parson, C.J. and Hughes (1970) Written Communication for Business Students, Great Britain.
  • Phillip, Louis V. (1975) Organisational Communication- The Effective Management, Columbus Grid Inc.
  • Ross, Robert D. (1977) The Management of Public Relations, John Wiley and Sons, U.S.A.
  • Stephenson, James (1988) Principles and Practice of Commercial Correspondence,
  • Pilman and Sons Ltd. London,
  • Shurter, Robert L. (1971) Written C



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