Reference Books of Financial Service Management

financial service











If you are looking for TYBBI Reference Books of Financial Service Management subject, then your search ends here as we present the list of books, name of authors and publishers.

Reference Books of Financial Service Management:


  • Financial Market Regulation, Author-Tatom, John A ; ed Publisher-Springer

  • Practical Derivatives, Author-Denton, Jonathan ; ed.,Publisher-Global Law and Business

  • Financial Derivatives, Author-Koib, Robert W & Overdahl, James A, Publisher-John Wiley &Sons,

  • Financial Markets And Financial Services In India, Author-Kunjukunju, Benson Mohanan,S,

  • Publisher-New Century Publication

  • Derivatives And Risk Management, Author-Khatri, Dhanesh Kumar, Publisher-Macmillan Publishers India Ltd

  • Financial Management : I MPandey, Vikas Publishing House.

  • Financial Management : Ravi M Kishore, Taxman

  • Financial Management : James C Van Horne, Prentice Hall

  • Chandra Hariharan Iyer – IBHL







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