Careers In Banking And Insurance (B&I)

Before we know about the careers in banking and insurance, let us understand why banking and insurance is a salient sector in our economy.  As we walk towards the age of innovation and creativity, we see extension in the existing competition and creation of new businesses as well. It has also increased the threats to a person’s possessions through theft or loss in his business activities. Life of an individual is endangered from calamities both human and natural calamities, and that’s when banking and insurance comes in the picture.

Thieves get smarter day by day, improving their nasty methods for robbing our money and possessions through technology or other means.

To protect our worthy belongings we can safeguard them by investing in a bank. A bank takes full responsibility of our money and we even receive interest on it after a specific period.

Even some of our belongings such as factory, cars, and ships cannot be stored in a bank, in that case one can get his owned property insured by an insurance company. An insurance company compensates the amount to recover our lost property if the loss occurred is in favor of the agreement .

Our careers are pretty safe when doing banking and insurance, every year companies visit many college campuses and conduct interviews. BBI course improves our understanding about the Banking and Insurance Sector. We therefore have the advantage of getting into a bank or an insurance company.

You can even go for investment banking, work in the share market, be an investment broker.

“If you are a graduate or you are going to be a graduate, you should probably know that 60% of the people in the banking industry are likely to get retired in the year 2015.”

Vacancies coming!!!!!!!!!

Even some technical companies hire graduates from BBI & provide training. You can also fill government forms, they brief you about the vacancies available in government sector. In government sector vacancies are provided for Banks, Railways, Back office, Schools and other government institutions.

If you wish to study ahead, you can go for higher studies such as M.Com, MBA depending on the field of study you desire. If a student wishes to pursue career in banks, NBFCs, MNCs and KPOs he will have to study subjects like Economics, Accountancy, legal aspects, marketing fundas. There are several career options that open up for a student, however if they want to achieve their own targets with financial stability, banking and insurance is the fields that has directly related subjects.

Although for some companies higher education is a priority, plain graduation has started to lose its value in a way. BBI is a course that integrates knowledge from different sectors. I conclude that if you keep yourself updated and work hard on yourself, you will have a great career.








One response to “Careers In Banking And Insurance (B&I)”

  1. gauripriya Avatar

    I’m a regular user of this blog. this year i’m in TY
    since this site help me a lot to find question banks practice paper as well as update me with new news regarding banking and insurance which is benefits to me so I want to say thanks to this site
    since Im in TYBBI so its my reques to upload all question banks of all the subject of sem V as soon as possible.

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