43 Recommended Books for Effective Communication Paper I and II of BBI Course

Effective Communication Paper I and II are subjects studied in FYBBI course. Effective Communication or Business Communication is sharing of information or relaying of information within people involved in business. In this subject, BBI students will learn the topics like marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behaviour, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, community engagement, employee engagement and event management. Effective business communication also known as professional communication takes place internally and externally i.e. within the organization and outside the organization. BBI students will get to learn about various communication modes like Internet, print media, radio, word of mouth, television and so on. BBI students will understand how to prepare presentations, use video conferencing for conducting effective meetings, how to conduct face-to-face meetings and so on.


Effective Communication : Paper – I and II

  1. Agarwal, Anju D(1989) A Practical Handbook for Consumers, IBH.

  2. Alien, R. K.( 1970) Organisational Management through Communication.

  3. Ashley,A(1992) A Handbook Of Commercial Correspondence, Oxford University Press.

  4. Aswalthapa, K (1991) Organisational Behaviour, Himalayan Publication, Mumbai.

  5. Atreya N and Guha (1994) Effective Credit Management, MMC School of Management, Mumbai.

  6. Bahl, J.C. and Nagamia,S.M. (1974) Modern Business Correspondence and Minute Writing.

  7. Balan, K.R. and Rayudu CS. (1996) Effective Communication, Beacon New Delhi.

  8. Bangh, LSue, Fryar,Maridell and Thomas David A. (1998) How to Write First Class Business Correspondence, N.T.C. Publishing Group USA.

  9. Barkar, Alan(1993) Making Meetings Work, Sterling Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,

  10. Basu, C.R.(1998) Business Organisation and Management, T.M.H. New Delhi.

  11. Benjamin, James (1993) Business and Professional Communication Concepts End Practices, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York,

  12. Bhargava and Bhargava9l97l) Company Notices, Meetings and Regulations

  13. Black, Sam (1972) Practical Public Relations, E.L.B.S. London.

  14. Bovee Courtland,L and Thrill, John V(1989) Business Communication, Today McGraw Hill, New York, Taxman Publication.

  15. Burton, G and Thakur, (1995) Management Today- Principles and Practices. T.M.H.,New Delhi.

  16. Darrow, Richard, Forrstal, Dan and Coolman, Aubrey (1967) Public Relations Handbook, The Dartwell Co., Chicago.

  17. Dayal, lshwar(9810) Managing Large Organizations: A Comparative Study.

  18. Drucher,P.F,((1970) Technology, Management and Society, Pan Books London.

  19. Drucher,P. F.(( 1 974)Management Responsibilities Practices, Heinemann, London.

  20. Eyre, EC. (1985) Effective Communication Made Simple, Rupa and Co,Calcutta.

  21. Ecouse Barry, (1999), Competitive Communication: A Rhetoric for Modern Business, OUP.

  22. Fisher Dalmar, (1999), Communication in Organisation, Jaico Pub House, Mumbai, Delhi.

  23. Frailley, L.E. (1982) Handbook of Business Letters, Revised Edn. Prentice Hall Inc.

  24. French, Astrid (1993) Interpersonal Skills. Sterling Publishers, New Delhi.

  25. Garlside, L.E. (1980) Modern Business Correspondence, McDonald and Evans Ltd. Plymouth.

  26. Ghanekar,A(1996)Communication Skills for Effective Management. Everest Publishing House, Pune.

  27. Graves, Harold F. (1965) Report Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

  28. Krevolin, Nathan (1983) Communication Systems and Procedures for Modern Office, Prentice Hall,NJ.

  29. Lesikar, Raymond V and Petit, John D.(1994) Business Communication: Theory and Application, Richard D. Irwin Inc. llinois,

  30. Ludlow,Ron.(1995) The Essence of Effective Communication, Prentice , New Delhi.

  31. Martson, John E. 1963) The Nature of Public Relations, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

  32. Majumdar,P.K.(1992) Commentary on the Consumer protection Act, Prentice. New Delhi.

  33. McQuail, Denis (1975), Communication, Longman.

  34. Merrihue, William (1960) Managing by Communication, McGraw Hill, New York.

  35. MonippalIi, M.M. (1997),The craft or Business Letter Writing, T.M.H. New Delhi,

  36. Montagu, and Matson , Floyd(1979) The Human Connection, McGraw Hill,New York.

  37. Murphy, Herta and Hilde Brandt, Herbert W (1984) Effective Business Communication, McGraw Hill, New York.

  38. Parry, John (1968) The Psychology of Human Communication,

  39. Parson, C.J. and Hughes (1970) Written Communication for Business Students, Great Britain.

  40. Phillip, Louis V. (1975) Organisational Communication- The Effective Management, Columbus Grid Inc.

  41. Ross, Robert D. (1977) The Management of Public Relations, John Wiley and Sons, U.S.A.

  42. Stephenson, James (1988) Principles and Practice of Commercial Correspondence, Pilman and Sons Ltd. London,

  43. Shurter, Robert L. (1971) Written Communication in Business, McGraw Hill, Tokyo

effective communication





2 responses to “43 Recommended Books for Effective Communication Paper I and II of BBI Course”

  1. Ghanshyam Avatar

    Thank u

  2. Khan iqra Avatar
    Khan iqra

    Thank you for giving me this kind of knowledge… Bcz I don’t know about BBI course ????

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