What after BBI?

What after BBI?

Students frequently ask what they should do after BBI. They should go for post graduation or they should go for work experience or first they should take work experience for 1-2 years and then go for further studies. If post graduation then what studies one should go for, to utilize their base built up in last three years in graduation studies. If they feel post graduation is what they don’t want to go for and join directly into job then what suitable sector one should join?

On professional studies side, student can go for CA, CS, MBA, FRM, CFA, CFP, MCOM etc. One needs to think over by getting into details of each course and foresee what career opportunity available with them after doing those courses and whether one is comfortable with the same or not.

In addition to visualize one needs to understand need of professional education to fetch better returns for their career. For eg. For doing CA or CS, one need not have before hand experience as it is part of curriculum by way of internship of the course.

Talking about doing MBA, MBA before 1990’s was considered as professional studies to be done to improvise your business. Post 1990’s with MNC creating jobs in India people moved towards jobs culture and so the MBA aspirants, people used to take 2-5 years of work experience and then join MBA program to do their work better. Now a day’s people are making big mistake by taking MBA program as platform to get the job. It is recommended to have experience beforehand to understand work life as well as yourself in terms of your efficiency and inefficiency. Students joining MBA immediately after graduation, always complaint after 2 years of MBA that average package was Rs. 5 lacs and they ended up at Rs. 3-3.5 lacs.

To understand more on what BBI student can think over their career, we have advised on following different situations,

Situations No.

Situation brief


Situation 1

Student keen to join family business

He/she should join his family business for 12 to 18 months and join for MBA related to his family business or Marketing and/or finance as per business requirement.

Situation 2

Student keen on joining JOB directly, No plan for doing further studies.

Students are advised to look at again possibility of further studies but if decision is firm to do job then he/she is advised to join bank or Insurance filed so that students don’t limit their growth. Even at later stage they can plan for part time MBA to polish them as well.

Situation 3

Students plan to join further studies

Students are advised to envision at their future after doing their post graduation degree, to think over whether they achieve their professional goals or not. For eg. A BBI student always keen to become Financial Analyst, then student should think about GARP offered FRM or CFA. If one thinks about corporate finance then he/she should think about CA or MBA in finance.

Situation 4

Students plan to join post graduation after 12-24 months of work experience.

Students are advised to focus on their area of interest while selecting their work experience. This is right time to work on your area of interest and to evaluate whether your interest can be converted into your career or not. For eg. Student keen on getting into industry for marketing of financial product, he/she is advised to go for similar lines after graduation so that he/she can make best use of his/her 4 years i.e. 2 year of experience in evaluating interest and 2 years of efficiencies polishing & developing new capabilities in same area in two years post graduation.

Situations may vary from student to student depending on his/her personal, social and professional needs. But at this stage after completion of graduation at the age of 20-21 one should give itself chance to evaluate his area of interest in order to have suitable GOAL in future.

This is general question (what after BBI?) with students as it’s right age for students to look at bigger picture, but what they should keep in mind is that they should always think about their long term plan i.e. GOAL. It is fair to say that at this stage it is difficult for student to decide on life time GOAL at this age, but one should always remember one need to have its goal, if not today then tomorrow. It is advisable to have goal and it is more advisable to have FOCUS on YOUR GOAL.

To put it into nutshell, Best career planning is which one make himself/herself happy in personal, social and professional life altogether.

Disclaimer: Writer of this article Mr. Nikesh Sheth is CA, MBA, Mcom , professor at various institutes for BBI subjects and ex-banker; advises are given on general situations which may or may not be the exact case for students.






50 responses to “What after BBI?”

  1. pratima sanpal Avatar
    pratima sanpal

    I am a final year student of bbi…… and m approaching 2wards my final exam …..m still confused about my goals…but currently i want to enter in to banks for work experience…..giving bank exams is one way is there any other way to get into bank jobs????? plzz suggest me wat shud i dooo after my graduation in bbi???? plzz do rplyy…!!!!!!!

    1. SNEHA MUSHAM Avatar

      hiiii…..this is sneha . i’m also a bbi student of first year. i suggest u that u should first take job experience then u can do PG.

  2. pratima sanpal Avatar
    pratima sanpal

    i am a final year student in bbi………plz suggest me wat should i do after my graduation ….m stil confused about my goals bt i want 2 enter in to banks. wat shuld i doo?????givng bank exams s one way s there any other way 2 enter in bankss.???????? plzz do rplyyyyyyy

  3. Nikesh Sheth Avatar
    Nikesh Sheth


    Regret for late reply,

    For Public sector bank, one needs to go through exams. There are many pvt. banks which hire on direct basis i.e. without exams.

  4. shruti naik Avatar

    i am in sybbi and want to know what to do after completing graduation. i am also a musician and have the govt certificates which are required. so now what should i do to get a bright future plz plz sir suggest

    1. Nikesh Avatar

      Hi shruti,

      Regret for late reply.

      Your interest matters more than my suggestion.

      your certification in music clears that u have core interest and expertise in the same, better go ahead with same. If otherwise, u dont want to make professional career in the same then opt for higher studies post BBI.

  5. shruti naik Avatar

    plzzzzzzzz sir do reply

  6. Nikita Avatar

    im in last year of bbi.. im planing to do accountant & taxation course. can u plzz help me out tht is it course is beneficial for me n my future… suggest me smthing plzzz…

  7. Deepika redkar Avatar
    Deepika redkar

    I am now in final year going to appear for final exam now i am confused that what to do after my gradution i want to study further but i dont know what to do should i do MBA or there is other course related to banking and insurance course plzzz regardly suggest me what to do

  8. rajiv Avatar

    sir what is bbi & what we do in bbi

  9. Shweta mahadik Avatar
    Shweta mahadik

    I hv appeard tybbi 6th sem in april i want to know about FAQ’s of tybbi result…that means about KT, grace marks n ol that…plzzz do reply….

  10. Aishwarya Avatar

    heya..m a last year bbi student n m still confused wat to do ahead..had planned for mba bt nw i think ders not so scope fr it as nwadays many of dem do same..plz suggest me wat can i do..

  11. sanmeet singh Avatar
    sanmeet singh

    After graduation and workm experienceof 2 years, can we opt for a job abroad?? Please reply.

  12. Hiralal Suthar Avatar
    Hiralal Suthar

    I’m a graduated student from BBI.
    Can I do job in banks.
    My goal is become a bank manager, but what I will do for become a bank manager..
    Plz reply Sir & Mam.

  13. RACHEL Avatar

    i m going to start my ty.bbi frm june.. n i m still confussed abt the job abt the scope of bbi… n wt course i should i do after ty.. is bbi really worth…???

  14. sonam Avatar

    I am a sybbi student I am very worried about my future I very confused what to do after graduation I want job in multinational company for that what I can do plzzzzzz reply

  15. nuzhat sayed Avatar
    nuzhat sayed

    sir now i had completed my s.y.j.c and am very confused about my career and now i am thinking to do b.b.i but i just want to know is there any scope in b.b.i after t.y.b.b.i because i am going to do job is there any job in b.b.i after t.y.b.b.i please replyyy fast

  16. Meenakshi Rao Avatar
    Meenakshi Rao

    Respected Sir,

    ( Interested in JOB+FURTHER STUDIES )

    Just entered my last year in Banking Insurance.
    ” What can be done after completing graduation?”

    It would be of great help if you guide me with a short procedure as per your convenience!

    Awaiting your reply.
    Thanking you

  17. RAHUL YADAV Avatar


  18. riddhi Avatar

    I am doing CS… As in I just cleared my hsc and I am studying for my foundation level!! I just wanted to ask can I do my CS along with BBI?

    1. Abhinav Avatar

      Yes u can.

  19. Roshan Avatar

    i m going to start my ty.bbi frm june.. n i m still confussed abt the job abt the scope of bbi… n wt course i should i do after ty.. is bbi really worth…???

  20. Roshan Avatar

    is it MBA is better course after BBI…

    I mean can I do MBA after BBI.. Is there Scope or not

  21. piYuSH Avatar


    i completed my tybbi …. now what i do .. i want to make my career better.. plz suggest me what i do.i do job or study? i m very confused .. plz suggest me about any good course ..

    1. pooja Avatar

      did u get any rply ?? suggestion ??

  22. pritesh Avatar

    Currently in sybbi i planning to do mba after my graduation but while preparing for mba i also want to do a job alongside; what job can i get and what will be the avg salary

  23. Gupta Rajkumar Avatar
    Gupta Rajkumar

    Pleas reply me for doing bbi graduate i am in a fy bbi

  24. mayur Avatar

    i am in tybbi. i don’t no what should i do after tybbi for better future.
    please give idea to me which course i do after tybbi. i have to earn more salary in a future.

  25. ashish Avatar

    What should I do after bbi I have work exp also of 1 year in insurance field

  26. Kajol Avatar

    I’m a graduated student from BBI.
    Can I do job in banks.
    My goal is become a bank manager, but what I will do for become a bank manager..

  27. Kajol Avatar

    I’m a graduated student from BBI.
    Can I do job in banks.
    My goal is become a bank manager, but what I will do for become a bank manager…

  28. muskan Avatar

    Regret for late reply
    First u complete ur course and go for any pvt company/ government they help you lot to complete ur goal
    My advice for you is go step by step.


  29. Rhea Avatar

    Dear sir,
    I am in fybb, post graduation is still away but do you suggest some side course along with bbi ? Will be pleased to hear a reply. Thank you

  30. Prachi Avatar

    I am in d second year of Bbi nd m confused that after 1 yr that is my final what should i do so m nt chossing fr further studies want to do job in bank so how i will get job in bank fr dat what process i have to do please give me some advice so i can do a job in bank at level of post please guide me

  31. Akshata Avatar

    After bbi completition what should i do.for getting jobs.in any bank…is tere is a svope in bbi in todays eorld..plzz rply.

  32. dhaval shah Avatar
    dhaval shah

    I have just cleared FYBbI…. and I m partly working in a share market advisory firm nd have work experience of 1year
    I will ask for some recommendations, what should I do after TYBBI or do something as along wid stuides now ?
    reply soon…

  33. Ritesh singh Avatar
    Ritesh singh

    I am going to joining BBI. Really it is best sub for future carrier. I am confuse?? plz suggest me what should u do?? Do I join or not ???

  34. POOJA M S Avatar

    HI SIR,
    I am studying ty bbi.After that i want to work in BANKING SECTOR whithout appearing any banking exams. Can i get job in this sector.By doing this method
    plzzzzzz reply m fast…………….

  35. pooja Kondhalkar Avatar
    pooja Kondhalkar

    im in second year of bbi.. im planing to do completed the banking course. can u plzz help me out tht is it course is beneficial for me n my future… suggest me smthing plzzz…

  36. Harshala Avatar

    Hii sirr
    I m Harshala
    I’m completing graduation in that year in bbi .
    Now I m doing ibps
    I m think that first i take some experience of bank field n after 1 or 2 year do mcom
    Is that the right division
    Or not
    Should I go for mcom first

    1. Nikesh G Sheth Avatar

      First go For experience

  37. mukesh Avatar

    Hello sir I am an lic insurance adviser and i want to do graduation . Someone advised me to take bbi course .what should i do pls reply

  38. iffhat siddique Avatar
    iffhat siddique

    i m last year bbi student plz suggest me what can i do after this , actually my plan is to continues my study and do post graduate in banking and finance but still plz suggest me what i do?

  39. Aniket Pashte Avatar
    Aniket Pashte

    I comllite hsc commerce and I get admission in BBI course,so I can do ICWA couse along with BBI

  40. Sneha Avatar

    I am a student of sybbi . I am in confused that what should I do after my graduations . Plzzz suggest me so that I can ……….use my studies for my better life …plzz plzz

  41. Suyash dhondiba shendarkar Avatar
    Suyash dhondiba shendarkar

    Sir , i have just appered the bbi 6 sem exam waiting for a result what should i do now for future success ,please suggest me .

  42. Snehal singh Avatar
    Snehal singh

    …I Am 2nd year student of BBI.
    I want to join NCC.
    Is this good decision or not?

  43. Akash Mishra Avatar
    Akash Mishra

    Hi Mr.nikesh Sir , I completed my Hdfc in 2012 but but aftr that I completed my graduation in BANKING & Insurance in 2018. And since more than 2 years I’m working with in broking firm (Sharekhan Ltd) .

    But I want to enter in to banking sector , can you please help me how can decide what to do further ??

    I’m confused sir , please guid me ..

  44. Komal Chandankar Avatar
    Komal Chandankar

    I like it but I want to give IBPS exam after my 6 sem, can it is better for me

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