Interview with Jigeesha Kannan, BBI Topper

Were you expecting to top in the exams?

Ans.Firstly wholeheartedly thanks for the compliments and for giving me this opportunity. Well I never expected that I would be a topper. But was a dream to be a topper and I think it was a dream come true when I heard of it.

To whom would you credit this success to?

Ans.No doubt my professors who was there for me through thick and thin whenever I needed them and for clearing all my doubts without any regrets. My parents, for their constant support, for guiding and motivating me whenever I needed them.My friends, for their co-operation and their help in clearing petty doubts.

Did you start preparing right from the first day of your TYBBI?

Ans.Not exactly, but in professional courses one has to study regularly for tests, presentations and vivas. I used to study for it.

How did you allot time to different subjects?

Ans.It totally depends upon the subjects. I was good at theory and was a fast learner so didn’t take much time for those. But devoted more time for accounts to gain confidence while doing it.

Did you follow a self-made timetable? And how many hours did you study per day?

Ans.Yes I followed a self-made timetable. It was not more than 3 hours a day but definitely it used to exceed before exams or tests.

Had you joined any coaching classes or was it just self-study?

Ans.It was purely self-study.

I’m sure you must be getting bored/tired after long study hours of the day. What was your source of entertainment?

Ans.Watching T.V. or talking with friends was really a great relief. But sometimes sitting idle really helps to calm the mind.

Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Ans.It always feels better when we are around people who thinks positive and who motivates us before we do anything. In my case it was my parents who guided me and motivated me. So whenever I felt stress is spent some time with them or just took  a walk till the frustration is out of mind. Even now i do the same.

How did you manage time during the preparation leave just before the exams?

Ans.It used to complete 1 subject and then jump to another one especially while studying theory. I never took 2 theory subjects on the same day. Studying 1 theory and 1 accounts subject per day helped to save time and complete 2 subjects per day.

Do you think going through the past University papers is of any help?

Ans.Yes, going through past question papers really helps as it gives the idea about the kind of questions that would be asked.

What message would you like to give to the coming batches of TYB&I student?

Ans.Hard work combined with smart work will definitely help to achieve the goal and never let small failures hamper your confidence.

After such a great achievement, what do you plan to do now? What are the future goals on your mind?

Ans.I completed my 1st year in in banking and finance. After completing 2nd year I would like to get placement in some good college as a lecturer.


Thank You for being so honest with your answers and giving us your valuable time. I’m sure reading this interview would be a great help and inspiration for the students. Congratulations once again and all the very best for you career!


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