International Banking and Finance ( IBF ) QUESTION BANK for TYBBI SEM 5 – 2013
Chapter 1
Long Questions
Discuss the fixed exchange rate system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system?
Discuss in detail balance of payment theory. What are the components of Current and Capital accounts in BOP?
Short Questions
What are the components of current account and capital account in BOP?
Short Notes
Triffin’s Paradox
European Union
Bretton Woods system.
Chapter 2
Short Notes
International Debt Crisis
Basel II
Global Competition in International banking.
Basel I
Chapter 3
Long Questions
Explain the various fund based and non fund based facilities provided by Indian Banking system.
Short Questions
Explain structure of International Banking Department.
Explain pre-shipment and post-shipment credit.
Explain the Guarantee facility extended by banks to its customers.
Explain the functions of International banking.
What are the methods of pre-shipment finance?
Short Notes
Finance facilities for Imports.
Chapter 4
Long Questions
Explain in detail what is meant by Documentary Credit (L/C) and steps involved in establishing it. Write any two types of L/Cs in detail.
Short Questions:
What is RTGS? What are the advantages of RTGS?
Write a short note on various instruments for International Payments?
Short Notes
Chapter 5
Long Questions
What is Euro Currency Market? Explain in detail factors responsible for its growth and features of this market.
Short Questions
What do you understand by GDR and discuss the mechanics of GDR issue?
What are the reasons for the growth of Euromoney Market?
What are the features of the Euro Currency Market?
Short Notes
FDI and FPI. Compare.
Chapter 9
Short Notes
Indian GAAP v/s UD GAAP.
IFRS V/s Indian GAAP.
Chapter 10
Long Questions
What is meant by Exchange Rate? Enumerate different types of rates available in Forex market to transact the business.
Short Notes:
Bid Ask Spread
Geographical Arbitrage
Triangular Arbitrage
Chapter 9
Short Questions
Discuss factors determining forex rate movements
Explain purchasing Power Parity Theory with examples.
Short Note
Interest Rate Parity.
Chapter 10
Long Questions:
Explain important highlights of bank’s balance sheet. Discuss importance of Capital Adequacy Ratio in this context.
What is offshore banking? Explain its advantages, disadvantages and Functions.
Short Questions:
What is offshore Banking? What are activities of Offshore Banking?
Explain offshore banking with reference to Indian context.
Explain the importance of Asset Liability Management in Banks. OR explain the importance on ALM in international banks.
Short notes
Tier I Capital.
Tier II Capital.
Non Performing Assets.
Asset Liability Management.
Chapter 11
Short Questions
Which are the various parties involved in Loan Syndication? Explain their role.
What is loan syndication? What are the steps involved in loan and banks.
Discuss Basel II and its provisions.
Short Notes
Procedure and Types of Loan Syndication
RBI’s View on Basel II
Profitability of International Lending.
Chapter 12
Long Questions
What are the categories of Country Risk for analysis purpose? Explain each of them.
Short Questions
Highlight Concerning factors related to International Financial Stability. How can it be improved?
Short Notes
Role of International Credit Rating Agencies
Country Risk.
Chapter 14
Short Questions
IMF role may need some modification in IFA You Agree? Discuss.
Short Notes
IBF is tooo tough :'( Really dis qustn bank. will work if i do nly dis qustns.??????
Hey can u giv question bank for formarketing as as well???
Ankita you help me wid this question is tybbi sem5 hard ????? Plz help
its not at all hard…
I feel fra and specially FSM is tough
pls any one help me wid FSM
I will help u in fsm
Is very hrd sry
I want question papers and question bank of 5 semi tybbi plz help me anyone
i need question banks for al subjects of 5th sem.tybbi
send me email
will forward question banks
Hey please can anyone send me question banks and last 3 years question paper for ibf and fsm ?
Thank you for important questions .. and plzz suggest how to write answer for perticular questions