Sr. No. |
Modules / Units |
1 |
Introduction, Organising, Data, Frequency Distribution, Data Representation |
Organizing Data, Frequency Distribution, Measure of Central tendency, Org Data, preparation of frequency distribution graphical and diagrammatic representation histogram, frequency polygon and gives. Definition of averages and objective of averages types of average. Arithmetic mean, Geometric, harmonic mean and its usages, mode and medium (using graph also) for both) for grouped as well as ungrouped data |
2 |
Measures of Central Tendencies |
Definition of Averages and objective of Averages Types of Averages. Arithmetic mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean and its advantages, Disadvantages and usages, mode, median, quartiles, deciles and percentiles for both grouped as well as ungrouped data. |
3 |
Measures of Dispersion |
Concept and idea of dispersion. Various measures Range, quartile deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation and corresponding relative measure of dispersion. Geographical representation and utility of various is measure of Dispersions |
4 |
Co-variance, Correlation and Regression |
Meaning, definition and Application of covariance, concept of correlation. Rank correlation, regression concept, relationship with correlation, Assumptions in simple Regression, Estimation using Simple Regression: Fitting of straight line, method of least square, construction of characteristic line/estimation line |
5 |
Probability, Probability Distribution and decision Theory |
Concept of probability yen diagrams, Rules of Probality conditional & unconditional probality, Baye theorem. Discrete and continuous variable. Expected value of the variable, Decision theory normal distribution |
6 |
Index Nos. |
Concept and usage of index nos. Construction of index nos. Types of index nos. Aggregate and Relative method of constructing index nos. Chain base index nos. Test of consistency: Time reversal factor reversal and circular test . Quantity and Value index nos for agricultural, industrial production, Retail Prices, Consumer price index nos. for security prices, etc. |
7 |
Insurance |
Meaning, Objective, Purpose and need for Insurance. Fundamentals of Insurance Calculation of age, Premiums, Bonuses, Paid up value of a policy, Maturity Value of the Policy. Claim Calculation and Surrender Value. |
please help me get the answers of the objectives I tried but cannot find ans to back quesrions
fybbi student slow learner I need your help with the objectives behind d text
Cant found out ans 4 bacside q
plz help
Solution of index number