Yes, it’s your exam tomorrow for TYBBI SEM 5 and you’ve been secretly praying that some genie will come down and hand you exactly what you need to do.
We are no genie but we sure are here to help you through our BBI journey. Today we are going to share with you the DO’s and Don’ts that will help you sail through your TYBBI SEM 5 Exams.
(except where you have negative marking) – DO NOT LEAVE ANY QUESTION UN-ANSWERED !
Attempt all questions
Suppose the professor wants you to clear, but you have not attempted all the answers, and the one’s you attempted are wrong. What will the poor guy do. Even if he wants to clear you, he can’t. But if you had attempted all questions, maybe he would have given you 1 mark for each and somehow extended you to the passing score. So, golden rule of exam is – Attempt all questions.
The above rule can only be fulfilled if you have amazing speed. This means even before you start writing the answers, write it with break neck speed. Many students cannot attempt all questions, because they take a lot of time looking around, fiddling time, decorating their answers and then in the last few minutes screwing it all up with an incomplete paper. I certainly don’t want you to be in that category. So optimise for speed.
Follow Sequence
Now, attempting the question paper, you may be tempted to write answers for the questions you are comfortable answering first. However, put yourself in the professors shoes who is going to evaluate your paper. Do you think he will enjoy going back and forth with the answers you have written? It’s simple psychology, you have to make the paper checker feel good about evaluating your answer sheet. If you are able to keep the professor checking your paper happy – you will be showered with marks.
Great Presentation that makes it easy to grade your paper
Remember our tip of keeping the paper checker happy? If you write hastily in bad handwriting, be sure to lose marks. If he can’t read it, or understand what you have written, no matter how much you write, you will not get any marks.
In continuation, write your answers in points format. Why? Because really who has time to read your long essays? Paper correctors have hundreds and thousands of papers like yours to go through every day. Make yours stand out. Write in point format with good handwriting and highlight the important points in your answer.
Cheat Code : Write in points format and highlight only important points that you are confident about. You can slip in some things you are not confident about without highlighting it and it will be ignored by the human eye.
Do NOT write your answers, here and there. Ensure its properly formatted and presented.
Write the right length answers
Do you know what’s the right length for your answers in comparison to marks? For example, a 7 marks question needs an answer which is atleast 1 and a half page.
Veronica Fernandez – BBI Topper 2014 – 15 batch shared with us the following format for 8-12 marks answers :
A. Introduction (point form – 3pts are sufficient)
B. Meaning (2points)
C. Definition (eithr topic related or SUBJECT related)
D. Diagram (E- diagram, sun, grapes, boxes etc)
E. Main answer key point form..explain each keypoint in jus 3 -4 LINES
She also advised the TYBBI students to :
- Sudy 1 subject for 4 days.
- Make key points for every answer
- *Trick:- make abbreviations you can easily remember using the 1st alphabets of each key point
- Practice practical subjects atleast 2 hours a day.. So you dont have to keep separate 4 days for PRACTICAL SUBJECT.. Its happening simultaneously with theory
- Read motivational + inspirational quotes daily.
- Help every student who needs the smallest help. In that way you are REVISING
- DO NOT STUDY when u think you will not be able to grasp anything.
- Eat well
- Go inactive on Instagram & FB “ITS ADDICTIVE”
- STUDY chapters which you think you will be able to wind up soon.
Talk to your friends and understand what’s the right length for each answer type.
One day Before the Exam:
Prepare for only those things that you have read and learnt earlier. Do not try to learn new chapters, they are going to be a waste of time. They will also frustrate you and take your morale down. Instead revise what you have learnt earlier.
Don’t be afraid of the questions. Only focus on making the paper checker happy. If he’s happy, you will be happy. If you drive him crazy, he will do the same to you.
Do Not Copy
If you get caught, its a sure shot way to fail. Not only that it will affect your future badly. Attempt what you can, give it your best shot and let god and the paper checker try to help you pass. If you get caught copying, you will lose any possibility of a good natured paper setter helping you sail through.
I think that’s about it. If you have a question, feel free to ask in comments or contribute your thoughts.
I like yur tips. Thnk u so much ! ?
I like yur tips. Thnk I so much sir/ma’am with Love and Respect ????